Today, I took the boat to Port Orchard for the Fowl Weather race. This is suppose to be a three race regatta and the prize is, well, a Turkey. I started this race for the club 20 years ago. Around my family the joke is not to thaw out a turkey until we know the results of this race.
I was underway this morning at 0715. It was calm with patchy fog that always seemd to clear just as I got to the patch.
We started the first race on time at 1000 with light winds. There was 12 boats that showed up. The committee set a 3.8 mile course with a downwind start. It actually was a bit long. We do not have separated classes for this race and the smaller, slower boats had trouble completing within the 2 hour time limit. The winds were light and shifty and it took a while before we started separating from the fleet. But when we did, we started incresing our lead and by the time we finished we had saved our time by a lot over the other boats. By the time we finished, the wind built to 12knots SW.
Near the end of the first race, the wind did increase enough until we felt that we needed the heavy No.1 genoa. So between races we changed to it, but before the start of the second race the wind lightened and we went back to the light No.1. Fortunatly we had not hoisted the Heavy No.1 or even unzipped the bag.
The commitee did not learn their lesson and for the second race, set a 6.8 mile course to Waterman and back. Again a downwind start. And again we had trouble getting away from slower boats in the shifty conditions. We were second around the mark, but on the beat back we immediately passed the lead boat and built a big lead before the wind died all together. We ran out of time in front of the ferry terminal. Since both races took over two hours each, there was no more time for any more races. The committe did not have a turkey or gift card so like last year, I will have to wait until they send me a card. Last year it was the middle of December. Good thing that I don't need a turkey for Thanksgiving!
Had a nice motor home and arrived at the dock at 1700. Very nice day and a great time to spend on the water! I think I got a little sunburned!
WSEA Nov. 2024 Article
2 months ago
Neat blog Dan, and cool stories about your trips! Have fun at the Vashon race, I was really hoping to join Massey and Rob this year, but holiday stuff has gotten in the way.
All your stories about work trip kind of make me miss working for planning yard... anymore, I just get to travel to exotic places like Oklahoma City and Del Rio, TX...
Traveling can be fun, but as I have said elsewhere, it can be a bit of a drag too. Lots of trips to the same places and two weeks at a time can get old. But, I will probably miss traveling some when I retire and that is why I plan to travel TO SOMEPLACES I HAVE NOT BEEN BEFORE!
I hope the Winter Vashon turns out good. The predicted winds are supposed to be good.
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