Here is the definition:
adjective, smug·ger, smug·gest.
contentedly confident of one's ability, superiority, or correctness; complacent.
trim; spruce; smooth; sleek.
I cannot remember ever using this word and I looked through a couple of years of blog posts to see if I ever used this word in a blog entry. I cannot find it. Since the use of this word confused me, I went to the trouble of looking it up. If I did use that word in my blog, I would sure appreciate if someone would point out where.
After reading several definitions, I suppose that I can fit into this definition. I am fairly confident in my abilities whether it is sailing, cycling, motorsports, problem solving, mechanics or fabricating. But I have always been quiet, somewhat reserved and shy. I tend to keep to myself at events and in public. I try not to brag or talk too much about what I do and the only "voice" I seem to have really acquired is in my writing. This does not fit in well where the current social norm seems to be publicly bragging and "back slapping" about abilities and successes. So, I guess the "contently confident" part of the definition fits me. I can accept that.
Here's the problem the problem with verbal and written communication:
ReplyDelete"60 and 70 percent of all meaning is derived from nonverbal behavior"
There may be some miscommunication going on between you via the blog and this “back slapping” ‘elite group’ that is giving you such a hard time. It may be that you are taking things too seriously and it may also be that this 'group' is taking you too seriously.