Saturday is the annual Rich Passage Ramble Race sponsored by West Sound
Corinthian Yacht Club and is Race #3 of the seven race West Sound Sailing
Association Series. This race is a race from the Port Orchard Marinas through
Rich Passage, around Blake Island and Bainbridge Reef Buoy #4, leaving both to
port. From buoy #4, the race continues again through Rich Passage to the finish
at Port Orchard Marina. Along the race, competitors experience strong currents,
protruding land masses and speeding ferries.
I like this race for it's technical challenges. This year it looks like it could be a great race. As I write this on Friday morning, the various weather models are predicting North to Northeast winds of from 5 to 12 knots. The currents are actually favorable both outgoing and incoming through Rich Passage. Or they are favorable if the winds cooperate. If the winds do not wake up early enough Saturday morning and the competitors cannot get to Rich Passage soon enough, the racers may find themselves sailing against a flood current.
The first warning is at 1000 with the Cruising Boats starting first followed by PHRF 2 and PHRF 1. If the winds are up as predicted, the best track is down the middle of Port Orchard staying in the stronger ebb current. Expect a easterly push off Bremerton from the current flowing out of Port Washington Narrows. If the winds are still trying to fill in, it may be necessary to work one shore over another, probably the east shore. If all goes well, the racers should approach before Rich Passage during the last of the ebb.
In Rich Passage, work the middle of the pass and stay in the rougher water. Don't get greedy and cut the corner at Pt Glover too close, there can be a substantial adverse back eddy there. After Pt Glover, if the wind stays favorable, steer toward the R6 buoy again staying in the ebb. If things slow down and the flood starts, a course to work over to the right toward Manchester Park might work and keep you out of the current.
If the wind stays from the north, it should be a reach towards Blake Island. Again, don't get too greedy and go close to the shore. The wind can get very light. Fortunately, by now the current should have changed and be slack or nearly slack. If the winds are very light, I have had some success at a very gutsy move of sailing towards Southworth and riding a north flowing current out of Colvos Pass. If you do go close to Blake Island, be aware of the rock filled shallows at the SE corner of Blake Island. Many boats have located these rocks the hard way.
Once clear of Blake Island, it should be a beat along the east shore. If the wind are light, a beat along the east shore could be prudent. Watch for rivers of favorable current. Rounding the NE point of Blake Island, be aware of the shallows. The course to R4 should be a reach. If the winds are light, be careful to not get swept on the wrong side of the mark. From R4, I would ride the current between Orchard Rocks and Bainbridge Island, around Pt Glover and out the pass staying in the middle in the stronger current.
From Rich Passage to the finish, the fastest course should be down the middle of Port Orchard to the finish. Be careful to stay clear of Pt Herron and the flooding current.
There you go! No secrets or magic, just my analysis. Take it or leave it! Have a great race.

The currents in Rich Passage and SW of Blake Island.
This is our track from the 2012 Rich Passage Ramble. The wind was a good northerly all day at 10-12 knots. Other than the jibe we did SW of Blake Island, this is a good template for the race. Also, the current was still ebbing in Rich Passage that caused us to work the edges harder than would be necessary for this years race.
1 comment:
You've been missed this season Dan, without the current master to follow, it's just not the same.
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